Good flash
Good flash for Steve's honor. It's funny that the file size happens to be '666'.
Good flash
Good flash for Steve's honor. It's funny that the file size happens to be '666'.
Doesn't need to be good...
to be right. Steve Irwin is probably filming documentaries in heaven now. P.S: The guy in the reviews said "Why is this the American National Anthem". It's not....A true American would know that.
That was awesome
It was awesome. Also, your replay button doesn't work. I'm just telling you for the benefit of users everywhere. No need to thank me.
Oh, but I insist. Thank you. Thank you and the other hundred-something people who told me this lol.
I don't have the FLA anymore, so it cannot be fixed =(
Flash + Music x Chuck Norris = Awesome
Nice animation, dude. Keep it up. I feel bad that you have to deal with whining morons saying "Littlefoot is teh 0wnz0rz, nd dis crap isnt". You're doing a good job putting up with those people. Personally, I think this is way better than Littlefoot.
Tell it like it is!
I want to join your super group of terrorizing idiotic websites. I hate Ebaumsworld for putting things that aren't theirs on the site. You guys rule! You should make a petition to shut it down.
Heh, it was awesome. . .
Wait, what happened?
Piconjo was a jerk.
He's dead huh? You seem so obsessed with his lifeless body that you somehow replace him with Jesus by saying "He died for our sins". In fact, he'd be an absolute sinner himself, obsessed with penises and all. I'm glad he is dead, more air for me. Plus, he made fun of all of us.
Piconjo died for your sins.
(It's not stealing cause it's not copywrighted)
Wow....Nice one detective, dumbcrap. You spelled copywritted wrong, too. Did you even ask the person if you can make a spin-off sequal of the series? If you didn't, then you are technically stealing. What you are stealing you ask? You're stealing a plot device.
Yo, moron below me. It's not Weird Al.
These people created this song and did the animation. I hate it when losers think this song is by someone else, but just end up not knowing what the guy actually did. By the way, awesome flash guys.
Pure Greatness.
That was one of the best Warhammer 40k videos ever. Watch out for that retarded PimpNRed guy. He steals flash animations like yours and posts as his own.
Blood Angel Chaplin, 9th Company For Death, honor, and for the Emperor
Age 35, Male
Blood Angel Chaplin
Philadelphia, PA
Joined on 8/30/03